Acerca de

Cheney Chase Sunday, 15 May
The Cheney Chase starts at 3:00pm at the New Inn, Middleton Cheney
You can run, jog, walk and talk! This is a fun event and is suitable for all ages and abilities.
The route is both pushchair, wheelchair and dog friendly!
For more information and entry details, please contact:
Helen Harman on 01295 712073 or email
Graham Raven on- 01295 971086 or email
Can you help?
If you aren't able to take part but would like to help with the event - why not become a marshal on the day? If you can help, please email
Come along and join in the fun at the New Inn and provide vocal support! There will also be a raffle on the day and all proceeds go to Cancer Research.
Our Club is proud to support Cheney Chase